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Little Reminders

It is no small secret that I am forgetful....a little scatterbrained. I can't fully take all the blame for this. I think it that the "fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants" gene was passed along by the one I call mom, and sometimes Kathy Delrene to be funny because she often middle names me (endearingly of course) and I like to remind her (like she's forgotten) that her middle name is Delrene. Not that I'm blaming her, but I don't accept the responsibility either. Ok, I'm blaming her. Sorry, mom (she knows I'm kidding...well, at least kind of.)

The good news is that I only forget semi-important things like birthdays (if you think birthdays are more important than semi-important we probably shouldn't be friends), what day the church yard sale is on exactly and mixing up when I need to help b/c I didn't write it down, to make a dozen cookies for the Christmas time gifts to the Airmen in the dorms (oops!), to bring the ipod with me to the gym (grrr...hate it when that happens), where I laid that ______ down last (this could be anything from a brush to a child...kidding about the child....well, most of the time at least) and calling people back  (again this could be a deal breaker for those of you that feel this is more than semi-important.) I think the lady at the Ear Nose and Throat office was a bit upset that I forgot to call 24 hours in advance to reschedule an appointment. Again, oops and ugh. Oh and lets add a little *sigh* for good measure.

You'll be glad to know necessities (at least these are the ones that feel necessary in our lives) like feeding the 4 children, giving them water and love, making them change their undies once a day, and brush their teeth twice daily, schooling them are all usually, more often than not taking care of. But I do like to have reminders all over the house. I shared this reminder with you a few weeks ago. It's a good one to remember. I have framed verses here and there. I also have them up on this board that I made while actually doing something about the things I pinned on Pintrest. This is where I leave doctors appointments also (yes, the ENT one was on there...told you I am forgetful!)

Jordynn and I made this together. Hunter did help a little too.

Part of the idea came from an assignment from the My Father's World curriculum that we use for school and we thought up the rest. The pictures came from numerous magazines including some from a Compassion International Magazine.

It is easy to get so caught up in being American that we seem to forget that there is a whole vast, wide world out there and people living in and apart of cultures where the freedom to worship how one chooses is taboo and children go to bed bellies hungry, sleeping on a dirt floor. And I'm complaining about gas prices. It is easy to forget isn't it?

Jordynn typed out John 3:16. It begs me to remember that Jesus died for the sins of everyone, not just mine...those I love who are dear to me, but also for those in far away lands that sometimes feel like Never-Never Land. Now they are here. Right here with me, with us.

She loved that. And I loved making it with her. And there it will hang above those baskets of toys and books. It will beckon us to pray by asking us if we will as reminding us to pray for these two.

Yes, David and Ernstia. Those two who have captured our hearts through letters and a love that only Christ can give. These pictures on those glass doors, they are reminders too. Because we are a family that needs to be reminded. Aren't we all though?!

So someday when all of you that we love are able to come up to the Yooper state and have a cup of coffee (or tea if you like) and make a snow fort (or at least watch out the window while the kids do) please don't give a second thought about all those Bible verses, pictures of third world children, quotes and sayings around the house. It's not because we are super spiritual. And it's certainly not about who walks through the doors. Quite to the contrary: we are in desperate need of being reminded in every moment what and Who is most important. Thank you God for Grace....

651. working out at the Y and a boy who doesn't cry for me while there
652. silly, laughing boys and that sweet girl
653. time with friends, eating, helping, chatting, loving, and the kids: climbing trees
654. a trampoline: AKA an exercise in trusting God
655. cousins: buying a new home~ praising the Lord with you all
656. A God who is relateable, who knows suffering, and can relate
657. a friend's searching, honest questions challenging me to know what I believe
658. praying on Wed. night together
659. a blessed beginning of the school year
660. hand prints on windows
661. the soft snore of the sleeping Love who can't seem to sit on that couch with out falling asleep
662. always enough
663. good books
664. David and Ernstia: what a blessing they are to our lives


  1. Great to find you from Ann's place, and to read these tender words here. So glad you shared. So glad you're in life! Blessings to your sweet family.


    1. Thanks for the kinds words, Bernadette and thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a fabulous idea with the collage! And thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. Yes, our lives sound similarly forgetful. :)

    1. Ah, yes Heidi I'm famous for taking a brilliant idea and copying it...I'm a great pretender...ha,ha....thanks for stopping by. Always love reading your blog girl!


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