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The Cool Waters of Change

Change is often like the big, wet, freezing cold pool of water that you face on a hot summer day. The sun is beating down on you and you long to dive right on in. There is only one thing standing in your way: take-your-breath-away-cold water. Do you jump right in, allowing the coolness to chill you to the bone? Or do you dip your toes in, then your feet, and then your shins all a little at a time allowing yourself to get acclimated to the water?

Whatever your preference, the water is always cold and the sun is what was warming you just before the water swallowed you whole. It's always hard. Change, I's always hard even if it's good change. But just like the brisk pool of water, eventually you do get aclimated to it...eventually. 

And this, my friends is the hardest part about all of the changes that come with being in the military: saying good-bye. There is almost no water colder than this.  As I look around at my bare, white walls that just this morning were full of some of the things we hold dear, saddness wells up inside me again.

Thank you Lord, again, for the gift of friendship....

269. checking things off the million mile long list of things to do before we PCS
270. a husband running toward Christ
271. bright red leaves
272. lady bugs
273. forgiving friends
274. change, even in the hard parts
275. generous friends
276. sharing life Sunday night, chatting with Jill
277. kind friends
278. servant friends
279. teaching friends
280. a lesson in giving grace
281. Dad, superhero Dad found Hunter's bike that was stolen; grace
282. funny friends
283. seeking friends
284. praying friends
285. breakfast at the bowling last time


  1. praying for an easy move and a smooth transition, friend.


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