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Grace and Truth

My sweet sister passed through recently and I enjoyed sitting and chatting with her and her bombastic husband. They always make me laugh. And think. I appreciate that about them both. We discussed books, politics, food, family and of course where we see our country headed. Those of you that follow me on Instagram (I still have a profile on Facebook but no longer use the platform) might have been caught off guard by my more seemingly political posts. I have gone back and forth as to if I should explain myself here. I mean, who am I really? No one actually. And nothing screams self-importance like a friend on your feed posting, "Why I never posted about controversial issues and now I do." It's weird and yet, here I am writing about it. 

I wrestle with this idea because clarity matters.

I want those of you that I love and are dear family and friends to try to understand where I am coming from especially when and if we disagree. It is hard to be clear on social media. It is hard to engage thoughtfully. It is hard to try to challenge the narrative when most people are willing to accept it, if it means they're "safe."

For almost an entire year I remained silent. This was largely due to the reality that (much like 9/11) after the tragic death of George Floyd, nothing was (and ever would be) the same in society. I had no idea what to post. How could I post a picture of my cute kid's art project when the world was literally on fire? I couldn't reconcile the two realities of a burning America (literally and figuratively) and kids who still make art. Surely, kids made art during other desperate times, but they didn't have social media to contend with.

It seemed somehow irreverent. This isn't because I thought those engaging at the time were being irresponsible or unkind. I was at a complete loss personally. I kept quiet. I didn't really engage or even scroll through my feeds very often. 

This doesn't make me special. 

Sometimes I think it makes me a coward but whatever it makes me I want to explain where I am now.

I have sat down to write this post probably 20 times. It is hard to find the words even now. I want to make clear the value that I have for each of you that read my words especially those of you who don't always agree with my take. It is humbling. There have been times where I have said "hard truths" but haven't suffered for it in the form of lost of trust within friendships. Sadly, I believe that this no longer can be an expectation. Every issue and I do mean every issue of the day is politicized (there are many reasons for this that I hope to write about soon.) I also believe that we live in a world where the only truth that matters to most people, is their experiential, lived truth...the truth that they arrive at and comes from within themselves. 

As you know, I am unashamed (but struggle being ashamed) about being a Christian. My worldview and thus my writings come from this view. The Christian worldview is imbibed in truth that does not come from within. The Christian worldview rests on the very Word of the Living God. It comes from outside of oneself. Does God's very Word speak to the issues of the day...political or otherwise? I believe it does. To be faithful to this truth, I can no longer sit idly by and not speak up in the areas of life, ethnicity, the state, liberty, reconciliation, censorship and a whole host of other "political" issues. 

I realize this is off putting to some people especially Christians (many of whom would agree with me on these controversial issues but remain silent). Voddie Baucham likes to say something like, "Christians today are great at following the 11th command 'Thall shalt be nice,'. He also adds that they often, "Ignore the other 10." I tend to agree whole heartedly with the first statement and believe the latter statement, for some, is often true as well. I realize that some of even my very dear friends will never understand why I feel the need to speak up on what is seen as a political matter on social media believing politics and religion are to be left in separate rooms of the house. Many of you will see it as divisive and even unloving. Others believe that it hurts our "Christian witness." 

Regardless, I know it will alienate some of you as you long for the days of pictures of art projects (and there will be some of those too) but my hope is to challenge you, at the very least, to think about something from a different point of view. We don't have to agree about things like masking (some of you are already triggered), but we also can appreciate another point of view without demeaning the person who holds that view. 

We can again learn to respect the Imago Dei.

I know that seems like a lot to ask. And really maybe it seems like it's too much to ask because it actually is. Maybe we live lives so secluded in our echo chambers, wrapped in a the snug blankets of our own opinions that it's too much to even think about the implications of another person's point of view.  Instead of engaging in debate with one another, we personally attack each other or at the very least dismiss their ideas altogether. Instead of mulling over a point, we call those on the other side insane or stupid or accuse them of being a conspiracy theorist. Instead of speaking the truth in love, we speak in hateful derogatory arguments meant to own the other side. It is my hearts desire that this would not be a place for any of that. I also realize that even the very mention of certain topics is going to illicit a visceral reaction. My heart grieves this reality.

Many years ago when I started this blog, I prayed about the tagline. Weeks went by and I read what has now become my favorite quote from Randy Alcorn, " We show people Jesus only when we show them grace AND truth. Anything less than both is neither." (emp. mine)

Grace AND truth must be lived, yes. They go hand in hand as a both/and reality. Like grace, truth also must be spoken and written. We must live not by lies. I am determined, by God's grace, to walk in truth. 

Just for clarity: I do not intend to push a political agenda, but my ideas here will be in line with a more conservative view...socially and otherwise...but that isn't my sole intention. I'm not fighting culture wars. I'm not primarily advocating for America to get back to her founding principals. I want people, particularly Christians, to start thinking again. I want to get back to the ability to talk about issues without degrading the person beside us. I also realize that God is not affiliated with any political party. Every person could (and does!) use the Bible to fit their narrative. 

For example, I may not believe in open borders, but I'm not going to believe that a Christian who does isn't an actual Christian. I may be able to support my view with scripture, but that doesn't mean that, that scripture speaks directly to that issue and is emphatically true. This requires humility. 

Trigger Warning: When discussing masks, I'm not going to insinuate that to not wear one is to not love your neighbor. Or to love your neighbor means wearing on. That's intellectually and theologically lazy to asert (tho many Christians advocate this view.) I think the real question is the same for border issues and masking mandates and that is: what does it really mean to love your neighbor? 

That is a profoundly deeper question.

That is a question that will lead you to an answer beyond masking. 

Let's get to the heart of those talking points that divide us and realize there is a new moral standard. There is a new truth. And it needs to be spoken to. I won't apologize for sounding political. There's no way to address this new truth without sounding so. Is it annoying? Oh, my word...YES!! But if my only other option is to be silent about issues that effect our entire society....I'll choose sounding "political."  

And so, friends, much of the time you'll see my "micro-blogged" thoughts on my Instagram stories. There I will also share links on my LinkTree, if you interested in what I'm reading, thinking/mulling over and listening to. I wrestle with monetizing my LinkTree. If I ever do that, I'll let you know up front.  

I don't know how much time I will have for actual blogging on this space this coming year.  My intentions are always good, but teaching at home leaves me without much room for such luxuries during the week. I appreciate thoughts, questions and pushback (respectful pushback preferred) within Instagram messages. 

As I endeavor to "fear the Lord and walk in His ways,"(Ps. 128: 1) please know my hearts desire is not to offend (tho it might happen) heart's desire is to love you all well with words frill with grace and truth. 


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