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A Birthday, Christmas and an Opportunity

I've got a son once 10, now 11. I know it seems silly to say once 10, but I can't get over how time just seems to sprint past while I'm trying to run the marathon that is called my life. I mean really! 11?!? A long time ago I asked him to stop growing up. I said pretty please. And I think that he actually would try, if he could because he just loves so much being a kid. And that makes my momma heart happy.

And then there was the blessed time of Christmas. At least we were on vacation and could slow down a bit and rest. It was an actual vacation for us. Thankfully, not the kind when you come home and feel like you need another vacation from the one you just had. Thanks to my mom and step-dad. They are some serious super-heros. I won't even mention the blizzard. And being snowed in for a day in a room the size of, well think of a very small room and then put 12 people in it (most of them under 5 ft.). And the suburban being covered totally.  All. Of. It. You've seen suburbans right? They're on the larger side of SUV's. Yes, covered with snow that Praise the Good Lord was pulled out by a very nice farmer/fireman/neighbor that just happened to be checking in.  Never have I EVER been so happy to see a tractor in my life. You should have seen me sprint to track him down in my mom's cute rain boots (because I couldn't fit my big-ol feet into her snow shoes). I think I may have just gone ahead and mentioned almost the whole story anyway, mostly because those two deserve a cape and a Christmas gift waaaaaay better than we got for them. Superheros, I tell ya! Also, just an FYI, if you get snow inside rain boots and it melts, you may spend a fair amount of time trying to wrangle them off like you would a python wrapped around your foot.


As I type, it's a New Year. Which means a lot of things, but mostly that I'm getting older and looking more and more like my momma. This year there is so much I want to do and be better at. Experience tells me, however, that growth usually comes over long periods of time not in just one year. Goals and planning are great as long as they not become our God and rule our lives with an iron fist. I would say of myself that I am kind of a "free-spirit, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-jeans" kinda gal. It makes life exciting...and fun...most of the time anyway. But in all honestly, as I grow older I worry more. And I don't like it. I don't want to worry more. I want to grow in grace.

That's what a New Year is isn't it? Heck, that's what a new day or a new 

moment is isn't it? An opportunity. An opportunity to grow in grace. I'll be here working it out here "with fear and trembling," fighting off the urge to worry about every. single. thing. Here's to a New Year with all it's new days and new moments. Here's to mercy every minute, friends!


  1. This post resonated with me in numerous ways. I, too, ask my kids to stop growing up. They never obey. ;)
    I also have found myself worrying more. It's something that this "happy-go-lucky" girl doesn't like to see. I need to be praying and trusting instead of worrying. "who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?"
    Let us not worry! Here's to a New Year and the continual growing in God that we all need to be about.
    Blessings from the Lord to your family!

  2. Amen Heidi! Blessings to you you this year. We can pray for eacother in this with knowledge. What a privilege!!

  3. First of all - Go Pack Go (important reference to first pic). And second, about the worrying more as you/I have gotten older. I'm not digging it! For me, they're even more mature-if you could say-worries than the sillier worries of my youth. I'm pondering on your grow more in grace than worry idea. Good stuff.

    1. Hello Sharon! Ok so I must confess we are not die hard Pack fans, but I am a HUGE fan on hand me downs. :) And all our worries big and small always seem important at the time....when in the middle of it. But there is so much delight in knowing God's got this...all of them...silly and all. Thanks for stopping and commenting!!


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