There she goes. Saying it again, better than I would ever dare. Yup, Ann says about this 2014 New Year:
"She preached the Gospel to herself:
Sure Mount Everest might loom in front of you, that mountain you have to climb in the next 364 days.
But the deal is: Every mountain that every Christin ever faces, the Lord levels with sufficient grace: The Lord Will Provide.
You don't have to climb mountains named I Will Perform.
You don't have to climb mountains named I Will Produce.
Jesus flattens that mountain before you with His Grace: The Lord will Provide. With enough strength. With enough wisdom. With More Than Enough of Himself.
More important than you trying to muster up sufficient grit and determination for the new year -- is that you simply accept His sufficient grace and liberation every day." ~Ann Voscamp (writing at A Holy Experience. Posted 1/1/2014)
So when a dear friend asks, "HOW in the WORLD do you do that??!! How WILL you do that???"
I reply honestly, "I won't." "I will fail...we will fail."
Because it is only, truly by His grace that any of us are able to face anything that comes our way.
I don't think I believe this all the time. Though my mouth says it is so.
My heart tells on me.
The fact is I know I don't live it.
Not all the time, or some days or not even most of the time.
Never in a kazillion (yes, it's an actual number...just ask any of the 5 year olds living in my home) if we would be walking through right now, in this new year, what we are walking through, I probably would have told you to "check yourself before you wreck yourself...cuz that is CrAzY talk!!"
So a list of resolutions this girl will not make. No more "to do lists," but to know and to trust the One all the more who will provide. Always. In every. single. way. as I walk hand in hand with the one I call, Love.
So here is a little Happy New Year Update from all us 6 Popes.
And can I just say, before you read on, that we are just. SO. EXCITED!
"She preached the Gospel to herself:
Sure Mount Everest might loom in front of you, that mountain you have to climb in the next 364 days.
But the deal is: Every mountain that every Christin ever faces, the Lord levels with sufficient grace: The Lord Will Provide.
You don't have to climb mountains named I Will Perform.
You don't have to climb mountains named I Will Produce.
Jesus flattens that mountain before you with His Grace: The Lord will Provide. With enough strength. With enough wisdom. With More Than Enough of Himself.
More important than you trying to muster up sufficient grit and determination for the new year -- is that you simply accept His sufficient grace and liberation every day." ~Ann Voscamp (writing at A Holy Experience. Posted 1/1/2014)
So when a dear friend asks, "HOW in the WORLD do you do that??!! How WILL you do that???"
I reply honestly, "I won't." "I will fail...we will fail."
Because it is only, truly by His grace that any of us are able to face anything that comes our way.
I don't think I believe this all the time. Though my mouth says it is so.
My heart tells on me.
The fact is I know I don't live it.
Not all the time, or some days or not even most of the time.
Never in a kazillion (yes, it's an actual number...just ask any of the 5 year olds living in my home) if we would be walking through right now, in this new year, what we are walking through, I probably would have told you to "check yourself before you wreck yourself...cuz that is CrAzY talk!!"
So a list of resolutions this girl will not make. No more "to do lists," but to know and to trust the One all the more who will provide. Always. In every. single. way. as I walk hand in hand with the one I call, Love.
So here is a little Happy New Year Update from all us 6 Popes.
And can I just say, before you read on, that we are just. SO. EXCITED!
Dearest Ones,
For our Christmas letter this year we’ve
To keep it light and have some fun
Cuz one thing is for sure
Most of this past year
Has flown by like a blur
With 6 in the crib
And one little monster running about
There have been some rough times, we ain’t
gonna fib
At least they can all buckle themselves
With only two exceptions
This all makes for only occasional yells
The buckle test, it’s a big one in our
And no more bottles, no more diapers
And certainly not one single bib
Those bibs, bottles, diapers and more
All belonging to babies
We were done for sure!
Certainty can be a slippery slope
So when Kari got sick for 12 weeks
We knew it was no joke
The date of arrival is early in June
So lets get excited
For this little life is already in bloom
Now, don’t worry, fret or frown
Yes, we can see it
Some of your mouths are turned right
upside down L
We ask you, yes, to be excited with us
To be thoughtful with words, and prayerful
and kind
And to not make a big fuss
Unless of course you wanted to make
A big donation to their college funds
For the children’s sake
Ok not really
That’s merely a joke
It’s good to laugh at ourselves not just
other odd folk
So now that you know our BIG news
Also know that we love you all
And please have a Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year too!
Congratulations!!!! We are praying for your sweet family and for your newest blessing!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Danielle...always love hearing from you!
DeleteYay! Congratulations! Happy for you! So, how long will your foster kids be with you? Or are you fostering to adopt? Blessings in this New Year to you and your family. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Heidi! You know, fostering is kind of like the never ending story of life. We should have some closure in the coming months...Lord willing. I will keep every one posted...eventually....Blessings right back atcha sister. I love that you still stop by!