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It has been a long while hasn't it dear friends? A forced sabbatical of sorts. More like me not really knowing how to manage time properly. Or perhaps it is the sheer thought of putting pen to paper or typing out what is really going on that is just so very overwhelming that really, the thought of it all gives me writers block.

 Where to start? What to say? And does anyone really care. Thing is, I don't really know. Seriously, I don't know an answer to any of those questions. And maybe there are just parts of our life that I want to keep off of this blogosphere...or maybe not. Again, I just don't know. I keep thinking that it is going to come to me. That I will know exactly what to write and how to explain why in the world we would take in three foster children while having four of our own.

My sister teases me by saying that I will turn out to be the old woman who lived in a shoe. If I believed in modern prophecy, I would call her a prophetess. No, I don't live in a shoe, but sometimes the laundry room does smell a bit like dirty shoes. I have no idea how such small feet can produce such odors, but they sure do!

What I do know for sure is that I love to write. I also know that many of you are encouraged in the Lord by what I pen here. So all fourteen of you that actually read what is written here on a regular basis, I did want to take a "free" moment and say I'm praying about how to continue on here. You see, I'm trying to figure all of this out. And I know that there is no possible way that I will get it all figured out, but there are some things that I just am not willing to give up. So here is to fighting for moments to share my just stay tuned, friends.


  1. I hear ya! I haven't written much lately either. Busy time of well as the thoughts of what to share and what not to share on a public blog. I also enjoy writing, but I've been so busy and haven't wanted to take time from my family (or from my sleep!) so that I can write. Some days I think I'll quit blogging and other days I think I won't.
    So, I GET this post. Prayed for us to know what to do and how to do it! Lovely shot of all those kiddos!

    1. So you know the tension Heidi??? It's wonderful to hear because sometimes it all seems a bit trite....and then not really at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here. I always, always appreciate it! Blessings to you, friend!

  2. Replies
    1. Love your heart Kate! Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Well sweet friend let me begin by telling you that there are many more of us that read your blog and that are encouraged by your words. Even Ty reads what you write and just the other day was telling me how you inspire him and are such a light in this world. You do not have to continue to blog but just know that when you do you bless so many people. We have started lifting your family in daily prayer. I can imagine that the days are long but remember the years are short and God WILL give you everything you need to not only survive each day but be the amazing mom and wife that you are -each day. Hang in there. You are doing an amazing job. Thank you for sharing your real moments with us and even when you don't or can't know that we are praying for you. Love- Danielle & Ty Touchstone

    1. What kind words, Danielle. Often I think about standing in my tiny kitchen, pregnant, attempting to make homemade fries and you, girl standing right next to me...telling me you couldn't wait to be there where I was and I might have thought it a bit crazy b/c I had NO idea what I was in for and was SCARED to death I was going to mess it all up, but you were certain I was right where I needed to be and that gave me a bit of strength when I had none. Your post made me smile and uplifited me again. So thank you for the kind words. If ever I am an encouragement it is not b/c of me...but I know you know that. :) And please tell that handsome husband of yours we all say hello!!


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