And until next time...
my heart is filled with joy and peace knowing that Lord, You are in control. I rest in knowing that I may plan, and plan but you, Mighty God are the One who guides my steps. May my walk with you deepen as I grow in knowledge and the truth of your word and who this Jesus really is. You mercy is new every morning and you give grace that fills me overflowing. Humble I come in awe of you, Father for Great is your Holy Name. If ever I don't understand why you do what you do, I can rest in knowing Who you are. Help me to love you ever more. ~ Amen
Some more of this counting of gifts...thank you Father for:
781. snow tires
782. one boy: excited about starting school
783. Super One coupons: the best!
784. being taught through the words though my understanding is not always where I would like
785. our AWANA leaders and commander and wife
786. committing, with my Love, to learning a verse a week this year
787. warm beds
788. a God who cares and is in control
789. remembering to focus on today, that yesterday is G.O.N.E.
790. UPWARD basketball starting tomorrow :)
On a side note Justin and I have decided to memorize a verse per week this year. Wanna join in? I'll list the verse every Monday. We downloaded the app Fighter Verses. I was shocked it was $3.00, but it turned out to be a great because there are many activities to help memorize the verse at different levels so if you're kids aren't already learning 100 verses at AWANA or some other program, they can join in also. It even has a way for you to record yourself saying the verse aloud...which is pretty funny!
For some reason we started on set 3. Go figure, us doing something weird. This week's verse is found in 2 Chronicles 16:9:
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him." ESV
Another great place to go to memorize the Word of God is Scripture Typer. It is free and I believe that they now have an app, but I can't recommend it because I have not downloaded it myself.
Happy learnin' Y'all!
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