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Rejoicing Always?

Paul's Labor for the Church. This is the subject heading in Colossians 1 starting in verse 24 in my Bible. The church, to Paul, the bride of Christ was something that he suffered greatly because of. He became a servant of her  because it was in that very servanthood that he was able to share the "...mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." (v27) This is not something that Paul begrudgingly put on himself to do. He knew it was the very thing that he was made to do AND he rejoiced in it. Those sufferings?! He rejoiced in them! REJOICED!!

"Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church."

~Colossians 1:24

Honestly, there is almost nothing in me that can relate to this. When I think of suffering or that it is perhaps  headed my way, I want to run away...far...far...away. I am to suffering what Jonah was to taking the word of repentance to the Ninevites. That road less travelled thing is usually marked with pit stops, gaping holes, flat tires, forks in the road, and an enumerable amount of other trials. Here I am, again, longing for easy.

Looking at this man, Paul. This man who rejoices in his sufferings. I don't really see Paul, but Christ living in him. I see Paul's love for the church, yes, but more importantly I see his love for Christ as why he loves her so.

Is it possible that the more that I long, seek after, hunger for Jesus Christ, the more I am able to rejoice in suffering? The more that I love him, the more I will love to suffer for him?

And there it is again, clear as the day is outside my window. My answer, there He is. Christ. I am always...always pointed back to him.

485. always in the mess...always
486. warm blankest
487. flannel owl purses
488. spring shooting up through the earth
489. late dinners
490. health insurance
491. those women in my life, sometimes hard to love, but then there is Christ loving them through these sin stained hands
492. keys...lost and found...and lost again
493. those handy key hooks, and remembering to put them on the key hook
494. trusting God to make me a God pleaser and not a mere spouce (or any kind of people) pleaser
495. feeling like a hypocrite...remembering I am, but who I am also in Christ...losing myself to find Him more
496. my husband: bent, broken, beautiful
497. that hot rod red kitchenaid mixer
498. finally a knife that cuts through something!
499. sunlight carving its way into the living room
500. in Christ I am: saved, not alone...ever, being made perfect


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