Many years ago I started this little blog because I love to write and I also love what is true. I've spent many an hour pouring over God's word, meditating on it in my mind as He teaches me from that well worn book. Often I have used my life experiences to speak the truth in love. It may have been our life in the Air Force, mothering, adoption and FASD or educating my children at home; each has given me a reason to write about the parallels between what I'm wondering through and how truth effects that reality. It has been my aim to speak hard truths in love. I probably have not always met that aim. I'm sure I've missed the mark. I always want to challenge and encourage not be unnecessarily offensive. When I started writing here, I was so young that I didn't know I was young. It's not that I'm old now. No, that's not what I mean. Inexperienced and naive is what I mean. Often I was quick to speak (or type rather) believing that I had the simple ans...
"We show people Jesus only when we show them grace and truth. Anything less than both is neither." ~Randy Alcorn