**click here to listen to me read this post** Dearest Reader, It's been weeks since I originally wrote this post. Like, beginning of summer. Lets just say that the Lord has been at work on me in with this very thing. So lest you be tempted to think that I have this altogether, He has plainly showed me that I surely do not. Please remember that now and always as I write, I am always speaking truth to myself first. I accidentally let out about 1/4 of our pool water into our neighbor’s yard the other morning. Thankfully it was slow, and it’s been rainy so they didn’t notice. The same evening I proceeded to make a dinner for some new friends and the dish I made included ingredients some of them can’t eat because of their severe food allergies. Like brings an epipen because I might die from eating your food kind of allergy. I even asked if they had any. Allergies, I mean. And my sweet new friend took the time to lay it all out for me via text which I read. And...
"We show people Jesus only when we show them grace and truth. Anything less than both is neither." ~Randy Alcorn