This is how my day ended. It was 11 and she waited up for me to come home from a meeting. Of course she did. I used to be, sadly, frustrated by this sort of thing. And sadly, sometimes I still am. Because days around here can be very long. And yesterday was one of those long days.... but in a good way. It was Gotcha day. Very probably my favorite day of the year. Even more so than Christmas. And if you know me that's saying something big This girl. She has my heart all twisted sometimes. She's so beautiful. And kind. Which matters most, I think. And she totally rocks the Chucks. Rocks them. Pretty boy. It's a good thing too. Thats all all I'll say about that. No really, it's a love worth fighting for. A love given to me from the Lord. Never easy. As with some, it will never be. I mean really? Can a little person be any cuter? Or more terrific? She did just throw a M...
"We show people Jesus only when we show them grace and truth. Anything less than both is neither." ~Randy Alcorn