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Showing posts from July, 2016

He Calls me Mom.

Him: What did I call Ms. Cari when I lived with them? Me: Mom Him: What did I call the Strucks when I lived with them? Me: Mom and Dad Him: And, of course, I called Audrey mom when I lived with her. Me: of course. Him: WEIRD. That is SO weird, Mom!!! Me: Not really, because they were acting like moms to you and you called them as much. Him: But it would be so weird to call someone else mom now.  You're my mom. Me: *smiles, teary eyed* These are the moments that I want to cling to as an adoptive mother. So many moments around here are hard and feel a bit lonely. If you knew how hard it is for a foster child who has had lived through multiple placements before being adopted, to look at me and really call me mother (as in NO ONE else is my mother), you would agree that this is no small miracle of the heart.  If you knew how hard is is for a mother to look at a son, not born of her womb, and to truly call him her son, you would nod and amen that this...