The AWANA Grand Prix is a big night for the Pope family. Usually the cars are bought weeks in advance, and much like the rest of my life, get put into a box, a drawer, somewhere out of sight and then....well, you understand don't you? If you look my name up in the dictionary, right after limited time management skills would be procrastinator in disguise (because I like to pretend that I am over that and have it all together.) And so, a few days before the race, my Love, he gets together with the 3 bigs, sandpaper in hand and they scrub and scrub. He helps, encourages. The cars are smoothed, primed and painted all by them. Oh, we help when it is necessary. We guide, but they do. And you know what I want for my kids? I want them to be doers and much of this parenting gig is about appearances and the parents, really. It's not really about he kids learning and spending time with their's about winning. It's not that I don't want to be helpful. It's not...
"We show people Jesus only when we show them grace and truth. Anything less than both is neither." ~Randy Alcorn