If you could do it over again, I'm sure you would....wouldn't we all. If you could take some of those things, that pain right away I know you would. I often want the Lord to take away some of the agonising memories from the choices I made. I know you do too. There is some pain that is forgiven, yet it dwells deep, rich even with in our souls. The Lord has healed, but there lay the scar. Indeed, though...dearest mother you are a butterfly. There you were, just a babe yourself having a new born babe. You and that sweet boy. Two caterpillars together. Trying to figure out growing and him growing faster than you figuring things out. And that wisp of time. It goes by way to fast. And then two more are added...and later, much later a fourth. And then it happens....the metamorphosis Somewhere between the third and fourth: Jesus, He captures your heart again. From caterpillar to butterfly, you are a new creation in Him. He pours grace, and you pour tears and sweat and sa...
"We show people Jesus only when we show them grace and truth. Anything less than both is neither." ~Randy Alcorn